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and harmony is a way of life. It is in our bloodand soul. I

作者:欧博发布时间:2024-09-23 01:44

and to express the Chinese people's love andpursuit of peace. 二是浮现人类企盼世界耐久僻静的愿望,我谨对展览开幕暗示热烈祝贺, they will reinforce ourjoint efforts to build a world of harmony and a world of lasting peace. 最后,我预祝“艺术与僻静-中国今世美术作品展”圆满乐成! In conclusion。

泛起出中华民族传统文化、今世社会风采、人与自然调和相处等出色内容,让僻静永驻人间》 ( 2017 年 8 月 14 日,etc. These works showcase China's traditions and modernity, peace and harmony is of the highest value." "Heaven rewards those wholove each other and do each other good." For the Chinese nation,寄予了中国艺术家们对世界僻静成长的深刻思考和优美期盼, thisexhibition brings to Britain contemporary Chinese art works that had beenthe highlights of the Beijing International Art Biennale exhibitions from2003-2015. Under the theme of "Art and Peace",和为贵”、“兼相爱,架起两国人民气灵相同的桥梁,形成中国传统文化的精力内在,以富厚多彩的表示形式。


英国观众通过此次展览可以或许深刻感觉到, including ink painting, oil painting,不确定不不变因素日益增多。



中国自古就提出“礼之用,中华民族是热爱僻静的民族,没有什么比僻静更值得珍惜, about the healing power of art and about theimportance for humanity to pursue and uphold peace together. 三是富厚中英两国人文交换的内在,我也感激英国摩尔美术馆为举行这次展览提供的大力大举支持, wesee peace remain unachieved in many regions. We see a complicated and changinginternational landscape. We see global problems propping up one afteranother. We see uncertainties and instabilities on the rise. It is against such a background thatthe "Art Peace" exhibition is coming to London. Through a richvariety of artistic expressions。


wood block prints,向英国观众展示中国今世艺术的魅力,它是一次凝结友谊、追求僻静的艺术盛会, the event today adds newhighlight to the broad cultural and people-to-people exchanges betweenChina and Britain. This year marks the 45th anniversaryof the Ambassadorial diplomatic ties between our two countries. It is alsoa year for consolidating the China-UK Golden Era. In such an important year weare very happy that the China Artists Association is bringing its finestcollections to London. This exhibition and the seminar you are going tohold for academic exchanges will contribute to the overall China-UKcultural ties and people-to-people bond. Theywill promote the exchanges and mutual learning between Chineseand British artists, Mr Anthony Lester, this exhibitionwill be an art gala for building friendship and peace. It has three-foldsignificance. 一是通报中国人民热爱僻静的心声,本次“艺术与僻静”展览, 刘晓明大使在 “ 艺术与僻静 - 中国今世美术作品展 ” 国际巡展开幕式上的致辞:《让各国调和相处, Chairman Liu Dawei, Chinese philosopherswrote these words: "In the application of therites, 14 August 2017 2017/08/14 尊敬的中国美术家协会主席刘大为先生,充实表达了中国人民追求僻静的愿望。

交相利”,当当代界仍不太平, the art works represent theChinese people's keen aspiration for peace. The Chinese is a peace-lovingnation. Two thousand years ago,已经深深融入中国人民的血脉与魂灵。

本年是中英成立大使级交际干系45周年, the pursuitof peace,英国摩尔美术馆) Remarks byH.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Opening Ceremony of the "Art Peace - An Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art" in London: For aWorld of Harmony and Peace The MallGallery,崇尚僻静、和气、调和是中华民族的处世之道,。

I wish the"Art Peace" exhibition a complete success! 感谢! Thank you. (��w(�r���ֶ , and theharmonious co-existence between man and the nature. They are meant to extollife and the nature, concord,我相信,我认为, 密斯们、先生们: Ladies and Gentlemen: 各人晚上好! Good Evening. 很兴奋出席“艺术与僻静-中国今世美术作品展”国际巡展英国站开幕式,国际形势巨大多变。

and help them build consensus. They will display thecharm of the contemporary Chinese art to the British public. They willbridge the hearts of our two peoples and increase the friendship and mutualunderstanding. Finally, The Right Honourable Lord Clement-Jones,此次展览有三重意义: For the first time,中国美术家协会携优秀作品来英举行此次展览、开展学术研讨, 尊敬的克莱门特-琼斯男爵, Second, Lady Mayoress Miss Frances Blois, and harmony is a way of life. It is in our bloodand soul. It is at the heart ofChinese culture. And it is anunchanged theme for generations of Chinese artists. The"Art Peace" exhibition covers various kinds of artisticworks, It gives me real pleasure to joinyou for the opening in London of the "Art Peace - An Exhibitionof Contemporary Chinese Art". This is part of the China Arts WorldTour. I would like to begin by extending my warm congratulations on theopening of the exhibition. I also want to thank the Mall Gallery forhosting this wonderful exhibition. 本次展览将首次向英国观众揭示北京国际美术双年展的中国今世艺术佳构, today's event reflects thecommon wish of humanity for lasting peace in the world. When we look at the world today,热爱僻静、维护僻静是全人类配合的事业, sculptures, London,展览的主题是“艺术与僻静”,没有什么比艺术更能安扪心灵,全球性问题层出不穷。

this exhibition emphasizes China'scommitment to building a community of shared future for mankind. It conveys a profoundreflection by Chinese artists and their aspiration for world peace anddevelopment. It is a worthwhileattempt at interpreting the tireless pursuit of humanity forlasting peace in the world.

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